Pilates for back pain relief
Back pain is a broad subject with lots of various causes, so the exercises that we give would be tailored to a client’s individual needs based on what we see in the client. However,...
Why do Pilates with us post baby…..
After having a baby, many ladies have shared with me that they don’t know what exercise is safe for them and whats best to avoid immediately after having a baby. This is a very...
Chair Pilates to do at your desk
It is great to go to a Pilates class at lunch times or after work but what if you are so busy and don’t get a lunch break or time after work thats free...
Pilates Exercises which are safe and help clients with osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is a loss in density to our bones which weakens them, causing a higher potential risk of suffering a broken bone from movement or a simple fall. With age and especially for women...
How Pilates is vital for your health and wellbeing.
I find I need Pilates more now than I ever have done in my life, so its just as well its my job! I don’t mind sharing I feel quite frazzled a lot of...
Pilates for beginners – What you need to know when joining a class.
Pilates for beginners, please watch the video before joining a class Many clients might join a Pilates class as they have heard good things about it and are interested in what Pilates has to...
Tone your legs and hips and get a shoulder and arm work out too. (20 min routine)
Summertime workouts. What is your motivation to do the exercise routine you do? Workouts should be fun and slot into your life otherwise they simply don’t happen! 20 minutes a day doing focused dynamic...
2 exercises you can do to keep calm and non-reactive
I hope you are all well and safe and staying home to save lives during this Corona Virus outbreak Pandemic. It is quite a challenge I know but one worth doing to the max....